Monday 23 November 2015

The Stupidity Blight...or...Heavenly Rewards for Bad Deeds

Lately, I find myself with little to no tolerance for stupidity. This of course, makes living in today's society an exercise in total frustration, as I find my patience with the stupid has a much shorter fuse than usual. Up until this point in my life, although frustrating, my encounters with the stupid have been few and far between. I have generally had a tendency when encountering the stupid to shake my head and overlook it, after all everyone has their shortcomings, and the stupid are usually only harmful to themselves and others of their kind, or at least that has always been true, until now.

Up until this point, most of us have been taught to believe that stupidity was not contagious (although for a while it was believed to be hereditary, but further research ruled that out.) however, the recent rise in incidents of stupidity around the globe now have us believing that someone (possibly ISIS) has weaponized stupidity and is now spreading it throughout the young people of the planet in order to recruit them to their cause.

How else do you explain why formerly rational thinking people suddenly feel the need to go and blow themselves up? I mean it can't possibly be the whole "promise of 72 virgins" thing can it? No matter how "struck with stupid" these people are they can't possibly believe that if they strap on explosives and blow themselves sky high God will give them 72 virgins to do with as they please. Is God a pimp? And why virgins? If you're going to strap explosives to your body, walk into a crowded public place and hit the "explode" button, don't you think you deserve 72 hookers? or 72 divorcees? Or at least someone who has a little experience in the sexual debauchery department? What the hell are you going to do with 72 virgins? Form a prayer circle?

Why 72? That seems like far too many in a world with a virgin shortage, wouldn't two or three per suicide bomber make more sense? After all we don't want to run out of sacrificial virgins before we've won the war, right? I mean seriously, do these guys think virgins are easy to find? It's 2015, virgins are an endangered species!

Of course the 72 virgin thing is the MEN'S reward for becoming a suicide bomber. Female suicide bombers? No 72 virgins for them, no, they are promised that they will be reunited with their husbands. Where's the incentive there? Most of these women were subjected to arranged marriages they didn't want in the first place, why the hell would they want to blow themselves up to be reunited with the very person they are more than likely trying to get away from in the first place? Why the hell would spending eternity with the hairy smelly old guy they were forced to marry at 16 be appealing to them? Talk about wage disparity! Typical though, even in the terrorism business it seems women get paid less for the same job!

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